Self Discovery

The tasks of supervision has been described by Proctor as “a major forum for the development of the four C’s – Competence, Confidence, Compassion and Creativity. (Proctor B 2007) I offer professional supervision to individuls and groups to assist the delevopmentsl journey of your professionl practice. Please contact me for a free session to discuss your supervisory requirements. Lets explore together if I can offer you what you need to support your work and the developmeent of your four C`s – Competence, Confidence, Compassion and Creativity .

Professional Supervision is a negotiated, formal, professional relationship in which each person has a role to play, rights and responsibilities. The supervisor’s key task is to structure and facilitate the process of supervision, so the other professional (supervisee) can grow and learn in a safe, supportive, affirming environment.

Supervision interrupts practice. It wakes us up to what we are doing. When we are alive to what we are doing, we wake up to what is, instead of falling asleep in the comfort stories of our clinical routines and daily practice.

Some information below regarding  the different stages of supervision from the student to the pre-accredited to the accredited therapist. Please chesk with your governing body thier criteria.

Student Therapist – 1 hour supervision : 5 hours client work 

​Regardless of the number of client contact hours the Student must meet their supervisor at least 1 hour a month, when actively seeing clients or available to see clients.  If not seeing clients, a minimum of 10 supervision sessions per year will be accepted. The student is required to have a minimum of one hour of individual supervision for every 5 client contact hours. 

Commencing course requirements for clinical hours can be daunting experience and supervision support is a life line for the student therapist. The internal turmoil of the unknown and lack of self-belief is a common experience. I am mindful of this within the supervision space that I provide for my student supervisees. I believe it is vital to provide an empathetic and educational space during student clinical hours with a mindful awareness of the student’s counter-transference as they travel this path for the first time. It is important to establish and review the student therapist’s needs throughout their training. I enjoy working with student therapist’s and accompanying them on this new journey.

Pre-Accredited Therapist – 1 hour Supervision : 10 hours client work

The 450 hours of client contact work must cover a variety of presenting issues
Complete one hour of supervision for every 10 hours of client contact work.

Once you have qualified as a Counsellor/Psychotherapist it is required to change your supervisor for the next leg of your journey – working towards your Accreditation. This is a transitioning period from student to professional therapist and I can support you as you commence the required 450 client hours and also build your own practice. A book I have found very helpful is ‘The business of Therapy’ by Jude Fay.

Accredited Therapist  – Monthly Supervision – 30 Client Hours : 1 Supervision Session/ 40:1 Supervisees with 10+ years accredited.

Supervision must take place at least once a month, when the Accredited Member is actively seeing or available to see clients.

You possibly now have an established practice with an interesting and varied caseload. Supervision can be the supporting environment that is beneficial to you in this helping profession. It is important to establish a system to  prevent burn-out as we move further in our profession. It is my role to ‘have your back’ during the challenging times while supporting you with all the  other cases you present in supervision.

Supervision for other professions 
As a Clinical Supervisor I am in a position to work with all  professionals in the Caring Industry with individuals or groups.
Care work is emotionally demanding and supervision can support you with the demands of your job. It can be beneficial to receive external support with a supervisor with an objective exploratory view point.

Please contact me if you would like to set up an initial supervision session (free of charge) to discuss your supervisiory requirements