You can pay via your own Bank Account using online Banking. Our Bank details: (BIC) IPBSIE2D IBAN: IE94IPBS99073421277155
To pay using Revolut, please go to your Revolut App and send the amount on your invoice to my number 0863383398 (save in your contacts). or send your payment via Revolut to the Irish Bank Account in Euro with IBAN: IE94IPBS99073421277155
To pay using Paypal, please go to your Paypal account and send the amount to If you are having difficulty we can send you a payment request link from Paypal
To pay using all major credit or debit cards, click on the icons below or go to your Stripe App or Account and send the amount on your invoice to If payment is for another fee or you are having difficulty we can take payment over the phone or we can send you a payment request link from Stripe.